Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ward Directory location moved!

So Ward Directory is now hosted on I hope that'll make it easier for others to help develop it and work out any kinks or add features. While doing that, I changed the program name to "Ward Directory" instead of "Directory Maker"... it seemed like a more appropriate name.

Anyway, I am running out of free time with my growing family (just had another baby (our fourth!)), and I thought hosting it on SourceForge might make it easier for anyone willing to contribute any time to developing the program (yay open-source!). Well, that is probably more details than any of you wish to know. Please submit bug reports/feature requests on the SourceForge site!


Saturday, March 7, 2009


What is a "Ward directory"? In simple terms, it is a photo roster that generates PDFs for easy distribution and printing. I suppose it could be used for other purposes such as a team roster and such, but the main intent in creating the program was for the benefit of LDS wards.

Program Screenshot:

PDF Generation Screenshot:

Text-only PDF Generation Screenshot: